Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Here is some incentive for our continued resolve to live a life of penitence.
From St. Alphonsus De Ligouri: "Thus says St. Bernard:'Look to the sins of your youth, and be covered with shame. Remember the sins of manhood and weep.' Look to the present disorders of your life; tremble, and hasten to apply a remedy."

Perhaps no words have ever been spoken so humbly and ominously as those of Saint Francis: "Pleasure is short; punishment eternal. To all retribution shall be made."

Saturday, January 27, 2007

The words of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Saint Margaret of Cortona, the Franciscan Magdalene:
"Know that just as people criticized My miracles and My teaching, so they will dare to criticize the Friars Minor, your Fathers. But just as, despite the accusations of My critics, I did not give up My good works, so let the Friars in turn not cease performing the good works that they do in me, on account of those who slander them."
"My enemies have increased in number in order to tempt My people. The Friars Minor, to whom I have given the nets of My preaching, are the shields of souls."
Source: The Revelations of Margaret of Cortona the Franciscan Magdalene
by: Most Rev. Ange-Marie Hiral, OFM Bishop of Sululi

We are denounced from pulpits; we are called Lutherans by a certain Diocese, and we are avoided like the Plague. May the Most Holy Trinity be blessed and honored in all of this, and may we all be given a true spirit of penitence through the intercession of this glorious Saint to whom Our Lord said: "Those who come to you in my name will receive a special grace."

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Concerning those souls that we daily walk amongst: A stern message from the renowned exorcist, the late Father Dominic Szymanski, O.F.M.Conv.
"Outside the Catholic Church baptism has lost much of its importance and where the rite is retained, it has become only a ceremony of initiation, not a sacramental expulsion of Satan as the Saviour intended. As a consequence vast numbers of people-perhaps the majority you pass on the street- are still in the state of original sin and have never been released from the shackles of sin. "
Truly, Satan is the prince of this world, and he will rule for a time; but his head will be crushed by the heel of the Blessed Virgin. May we be granted the grace to persevere in prayer and penance.