Sunday, May 27, 2007

A blessed Pentecost to all

Today was given yet another inspiring sermon by His Excellency Bishop Louis. So much light is given when we quietly reflect upon his inspired words...

Prayer Requests

Dear faithful Catholics,

Please remember in your prayers two suffering souls in particular.
One is a neighbor of the Friars in Waterloo, Amy Dunham, who is still suffering grievously with cancer, and is due to undergo more terrible chemotherapy. Bishop Louis beseeches Almighty God daily when he holds up the Consecrated Host for two things: To cast out all of the devils from the Satanically-influenced Waterloo area; and for the miraculous healing of Amy, who gains more from our simple pleadings than anything that doctors can do for her.

The second soul to remember is that of Louis Kinsella, who for 12 years has suffered terribly from liver disease. Both Louis and his father are tremendously brilliant individuals, and have been of remarkable service in preserving Bishop Vezelis' health. Please pray with confidence that God will vouchsafe to heal this poor man, who will be of ever greater service to the Order when he is restored to full health.

Yours in Christ,
Brother Bonaventure, OFM

Monday, May 21, 2007

Despite the inexplicably poor sound quality of this recording, what the Bishop had to say in this second of his Sunday sermons is surely worth the technical inefficacy. May God bless you all in your continued good resolutions.

Friday, May 11, 2007

I am not so humble....that I would wish to appear lazy.
Do forgive the laxity in posting the audio sermons.

This is a particularly long sermon; but if you can set aside some time, you will find plenty of consolation and instruction.

Since these files are so large, I am able only to host the link for a few weeks at best, so please save these as soon as possible, if you wish to do so.

May God give you all the grace to carry your daily crosses.
Let us not forget to pray for our shepherds, that God may fill them with wisdom for the fruitful guidance of souls.