Dear Catholics,
Here is a gift for you on this Feast of St. Stephen
Audio Sermon for the Third Mass on Christmas Day
May God bless and keep you
Christmas Day Audio Sermon
From the Stable of Bethlehem of the 21st Century, the Portiuncula in Rochester, NY
His Excellency Bishop Louis Vezelis, OFM DD
Pax et Bonum!
The Sunday Audio Sermon
The Fourth Sunday in Advent
His Excellency Bishop Louis Vezelis, OFM DD
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, let us rejoice in the consecration of a true Catholic bishop for the Mexican people. Enjoy these photos of the blessed event, and may God richly bless you all.The Consecration of His Excellency Bishop Luis Alberto Madrigal
The Examination "The ancient rule of the holy Fathers teaches and ordains that he who is chosen to the order of bishop, shall be with all charity examined diligently beforehand concerning his faith in the Holy Trinity, and shall be questioned concerning the different objects and rules which pertain to this government and are to be observed, according to the word of the Apostle: 'Impose hands hastily on no man.'".
Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Prostration of the Bishops at the Litany of Saints
Each Bishop imposes his hands and says: "Accipe Spiritum Sanctum"
"For the adornment of our minds fulfills what was expressed by the outward vesture of that ancient priesthood, and now brightness of souls rather than splendor of raiment commends the pontifical glory unto us."
The Anointing of the head and hands of the new Bishop
"Receive the staff of the pastoral office, so that in the correction of vices you may be lovingly severe, giving judgment without wrath, softening the minds of your hearers whilst fostering virtues, not neglecting strictness of discipline through love of tranquility."
"Receive the ring, the symbol of fidelity, in order that, adorned with unspotted faith, you may keep inviolably the Spouse of God, namely, His Holy Church."
"Receive the Gospel and go preach to the people committed to thee, for God is powerful to increase His grace in thee, He who liveth and reigneth, world without end."
The Offertory
Ecce Agnus Dei Bishop Giles distributes Holy Communion
The blessing and reception of the mitre
The blessing and reception of the gloves
The enthroning of Bishop Luis Alberto Madrigal
The choir chants the Te Deum Laudamus
Bishop Madrigal blesses his flock
Genuflecting before the Consecrator, Bishop Madrigal says: "Ad Multos Annos"; For Many Years!
The newly consecrated Bishop leads the procession from the main church to the smaller chapel, affectionately known as The Hermitage
Three true Bishops of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church
Bishop Louis Vezelis, OFM
Bishop Luis Alberto Madrigal
Bishop Giles Butler, OFM
The Bishops with four true Catholic seminarians
Juan Pedro, Martin, Brother Bonaventure, and Manuel
The Bishops with the San Bernardo Group: truly disciplined soldiers of Christ
Ecce Sacerdos Magnus!
The Sunday Sermon for the
First Sunday of Advent
Bishop Louis Vezelis, OFM DD