Monday, March 26, 2007

Dominica in Passione

This sermon is packed full of solid doctrine. Note the emphasis on the cause for all of the religious anarchy today: just as Lucifer would not obey, so do his demon spawn (children) repeat "Non serviam."


Anonymous Anonymous said...


What other Bishops are there today? What do you say about Bishops Pivarunas, Sanborn, Dolan, and Kelly?

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does Bishop Louis V. say that he does not recognize bishops consecrated after 1982?

7:26 PM  
Blogger Brother Bonaventure, OFM said...

If you are asking what other Bishops uphold all that the Catholic Church believes and teaches, then the answer is only Bishop Giles Butler, OFM and Bishop Martinez in Mexico; along with Bishop Vezelis. All of these that you list are heretics. This is what Holy Mother Church says, not Brother Bonaventure. Let that be understood.
These men were all once priests who owed their obedience to His Excellency, and they have cut themselves off as members of the Mystical Body by refusing to recognize his authority, which comes directly from the Holy Ghost.

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brother Bonaventure,
All of Bishops Pivarunas, Sanborn, Dolan and Kelly were first under Bishop Vezelis, or Bishop Giles?

As priests or as bishops?

How did they first become affiliated with the Bishop that you say they were

4.under obedience to?

Why did they owe him obedience?

Why do you think they left?

And Brother, what happened in 1982 that would make Bishop Louis Vezelis say that he does not recognize those consecrated after that date?

Lastly, whom did you look to - where did you look before choosing Bishop Vezelis and ?his? Dominicans to try your vocation?

4:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also Brother, do you reccomend that I read any article or book that would better aquaint me with the questions that I have asked thus far, or any other information that you think I should read?

4:35 PM  
Blogger Catherine said...

I too had all these questions at one time. Until I fully understood them in their proper context (which took time and prayer to know the truth), it sounded a little like Bishop Vezelis wanted to be the only Bishop. That is so far from the truth, now that I know what I know and have learned. Knowing what I know now and what I have learned and what the Real True Church has taught regarding obedience and the importance and laws of Her, Bishop Vezelis is correct in stating all he does to warn the faithfull about the invalid and valid bishops and priests in wolves clothing. In fact, again, Bishop Vezelis is the only Bishop that has stood firm in speaking the truth and has never waivered or compromised,no matter how many enemies he has made in doing so. That is love of Christ! You can read quite a bit of things just browsing around on this website: Once you are there look to the left of the screen and you will find a box that you can scroll up and down in. That is where you want to read and read and read. Many of the articles will give you reference to where you can look up things to prove what has been stated. You are obligated as all Catholics to seek out the truth from only those of authority to teach it and convey what the church has always taught and that is the Bishops. Laymen, I am sorry to say, do not have that authority and they are the cause for alot of the confusion, not to exclude many many disobedient clergy. It will take a lot of work on your part to follow through with the truth but thus far, Bishop Vezelis has never never stated anything contrary to Church teachings that I have found. I cannot say that for most of the other so-called priests and Bishops. They are truley heretical or schismatic no matter how much they sugar coat it. I have found they have compromised their obedience and Christ by denying what the church has taught and filed it all under the comfy phrase of,"These are desperate times, what else are we to do?" Not good enough. In fact, I have found that Bishop Giles, Bishop Vezelis and Fr. Joseph OFM have always gone far and above answering any questions I have had without skirting the issues at hand. I thank God that I was led to them. Good luck and I will pray that you recognize the truth when you hear it.

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brother Bonaventure,
Do you know why I do not get replies from


6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also Brother,
Would you please pinpoint why Bishop Vezelis and Bishop Giles both have the US in dioceses? Why do they have the jurisdiction? What/who gave them the jurisdiction, and when was it given?

7:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jo: the Franciscans consider the validity of Sanborn, Dolan and Kelly's priesthood (never mind their being true bishops)as at least highly doubtful because of the freemasonic influences in the line of Achille Lienart/Marcel Lefebvre (despite what the dead Hindu pretending to be a Catholic/"traditional sedevacantist priest" Coomaraswamy or anyone else attempts to disprove). And Kelly has the gall to doubt even the untainted, legitimate and Catholic orders given by Msgr. Ngo Dinh-Thuc even though his own consecration was a private ceremony and the conditions concerning it were very suspicious (see Cekada's "Bishop Mendez and the 1990 SSPV Ordinations").

Mark (or Tarcisius)Pivarunas is a valid priest, but not a bishop as he was twice (and non-conditionally) consecrated, by bishops either doubtfully consecrated or fallen from grace. He "bought" the episcopate at $20,000 from one of the men though it was never paid.

Unfortunately none of these men have submitted to their proper ordinary (in Kelly, Sanborn and Dolan's case: Bishop Louis Vezelis, O.F.M; in Pivarunas': now Bp. Giles Butler, O.F.M.

The Franciscan Bishops (and also, Bp. Roberto Martinez in his own country and territory of Mexico) have ordinary jurisdiction in the United States because that's where known and true Catholics reside, not to mention the Bishops being American citizens and living in the U.S. (Ordinary jurisdiction over Catholics is received at any licit and valid consecration from the Holy Ghost directly- such was and is the case of the Franciscan Bps. Louis & Giles). They have this jurisdiction to provide the Sacraments, preaching and governing etc.- and Catholics know and believe that jurisdiction is neccessary for fruitful sacraments and proper offices and the exercise of the rights and privileges of them.

Specific erritory was agreed upon by the proper hierarchy (the Catholic bishops) when they met in 1982. Bishop Giles assumed his authority over Catholics west of the Mississipi River- formerly the territory of Bishop George Musey - in the first full week of March, 2007.

I'm not sure why you're not receiving replies from that address, but please check out: if you want to write or call any of the Franciscans.

Any other questions, just ask. May God guide you in your search for the Truth.

5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 1982 there was a meeting of Bishops that divided the country into jurisdictions, jurisdictio fori, that made later consecrations of priests (assuming they were valid priests) within that jurisdiction invalid/or/illicit?

What do you say about the Catholic Encyclopedia on which has written that "the creation of a new diocese [is] one of the causœ majores, i.e. matters of special importance, reserved to the pope alone (c. 1, X, De translatione episcopi, I, 7; c. 1, X, De officio legati, I, 30) and of which he [the Pope] is the sole judge (c. 5, Extrav. communes, De præbendis et dignitatibus, III, 2)?


9:38 PM  
Blogger Brother Bonaventure, OFM said...

It is essential that you begin to read the Seraph Index, specifically Oct. 1996 Vol. XVII No. 2 "What Was the Question?" ;
and January 1999 Vol. XIX No. 5 "Words of Wisdom".
You have so many questions that need to be answered, and fortunately, all of the research has already been done.
It is important to add that Bishop Vezelis does not recognize as valid bishops those men in whose consecration he had no input.
May the Holy Ghost continue to guide you.

6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thank you for pointing out those articles. I have been reading the Seraph Index - the articles that you have pointed out, and many many others. However I can not find this specific information.

What kind of jurisdiction do Bishop Vezelis and Giles claim? Do they say they are ordinaries with dioceses? Or do they claim some other kind of or limit to their jurisdiction, like that of jurisdictio poli alone, or jurisdictio fori?


9:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jo,I'm confused- are you a sincere Catholic seeking the truth, or are you bent on trying to prove the Franciscan Bishops and Order wrong? It seems to be the second case because you speak on the Bishops' only claiming jurisdiction as well as calling the men mentioned in your first comment, bishops. Either way, I'm willing to answer your questions or direct you to Seraph articles, etc. in the spirit of supernatural charity.

Bishop Louis Vezelis, O.F.M. is the ordinary of the Eastern Catholic Diocese of the United States and Bishop Giles Butler, O.F.M is the ordinary of the Western Catholic Diocese (the former/late ordinary was Bishop George Musey.)

The two dioceses were created by the Catholic bishops for the sake of the Church and its Faithful, and this is reasonable because of the extraordinary situation (sedevacante since 1958 and the apostate "bishops", "cardinals" and "popes" wrongly and invalidly usurping the positions that most people recognize them as holding.

Remember, we didn't invent this situation and it's certainly not wanted! But the Franciscan Order perserveres in the Roman Catholic Faith and loyalty to the Apostolic See as our seraphic father, St. Francis desired.

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Br Augustine,
Am I a sincere Catholic? Only God Knows. Am I seeking the truth? Yes, by grace I am seeking the truth. Am I bent on trying to prove the Franciscan Bishops and Order wrong? If they are wrong, then yes, I am bent on proving them wrong; if they are right, then no I am not bent on proving them wrong. I have not concluded because I do not understand.
Thank you for answering my questions thus far.
Sincerely and with thanks,

10:59 AM  
Blogger Catherine said...

It matters not whether the other "Bishops" are valid or not at this point. It matters not, whether they all (all the Bishops other than the true ones that stayed within the bossom of the church IE: Vezelis, Giles and Martinez) divided the country and gave eachother different parts of the map or not. Let's just say for the sake of argument, they are validly consecrated Bishops, all of them! Okay, they do not possess any authority from Holy Mother Church to have ANY juristiction at all to do that, for the simple fact that they have cut themselves off from Her (The Church.) They are claiming authority and Juristiction across the map (which all true Successors have that comes from the Holy Ghost just like the first Bishops, the Apostles) where they have none because they are not part of the Church for one reason or another. That doesn't make them any less a valid Bishop, we are certainly forbidden to attend any of their Mass's or any priest's Mass's under their authority though. This is a proven fact. Once a member of a body is cut off from the body, like a leg or a finger, it has no nutrition, no blood, nothing to keep it alive. That cut off member simply dies and decays, as does a member of Holy Church once it cuts itself off. No graces, just like nutrition and blood can flow to it from the heart and functioning of the body itself that works together to grow and stay alive. The member of the body that was cut off cannot function and move because it possess nothing from the body in order to do so. All these "Bishops' some of which are valid, have done their own thing and disobeyed many or some of the laws of the church, divine and church law, and therefore have become schismatic or heretical and no longer possess ANY authority that they may have once had upon their consecration. I don't know if that helps either but I am trying to provide simple explanations that helped me understand how the Church has taught.

11:30 AM  
Blogger Catherine said...

Also, there are many Greek Orthodox and Russian Orthodox Bishops and priests that are absolutely valid. We are forbidden to attend their services. It doesn't matter whether they are claiming validity or not, it matters whether they are still adherant to the True Church. That is where your search begins. Find out how they all cut themselves off from the True Church. I can tell you Bishop Vezelis and Bishop Giles have not cut themselves off. It is hard to get but once you truly pray for the grace to understand the truth and mean it, you will start to see it. Good luck and God Bless.

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jo, Bishop Louis likes to quote Laurence J. Peter: "A fool convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still." So if you're not an obstinate heretic I'm sure you'll come to realize that the Franciscans (besides Bp. Martinez and a priest under him) truly hold the correct position.

May the Holy Ghost be your Guide through the intercession of Our Lady, the Mother and Queen of the Seraphic Order.

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many Franciscans are there? Does Bishop Vezelis train or teach any for the secular Priesthood? Is there a seminary? How did both of you come to be Franciscans?

4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jo- there are 6 Franciscan Friars: two bishops, two priests, and two brothers (one lay, the other studying for the priesthood). There are 2 aspirants for the Poor Clare Nuns, and maybe a hundred or so tertiaries living in at least two countries.

Until God permits me to enter the first order (either this summer or next) I'm a tertiary and I will make profession on August 24. Brother Bonaventure, O.F.M. is studying for the Priesthood and will make his Solemn Vows next summer. We've come to the Franciscan Order because this is our vocation and way of sanctifying ourselves, given to us by God.

Currently, Bishop Louis O.F.M. is not training men to be secular priests, but there are Mexican seminarians associated with Bishop Martinez and studying under a Catholic priest there. We have St. Anthony's Minor Seminary (there will probably be a student for the 2007-2008 school year) for (junior)high school-age young men, and St. Bonaventure's for the major seminarians.

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brother Augustine,
How do you know it is not bitter calumny that ?Bishop? Pivaranus schemed to buy his Episcopy?

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you monastics? Do you leave the house? Do you take vow of stability?

5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Franciscans are mendicant friars, and are allowed to leave the house/friary. Stability isn't vowed, just Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience.

Mark Pivarunas bought consecration from Jean Gerard Roux for $20,000 and we have a letter from Roux to Pivarunas to prove it.

6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Br. Augustine,
Wasn't Pivaranus consecrated by Moises Carmona?

6:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jo, yes Pivarunas was also consecrated by Bishop Moises Carmona. The consecrations by Roux and Carmona were on two separate occasions a few years apart, not conditional and without co-consecrators.

The letter from Roux to Pivarunas as well as another letter from a bishop in New Zealand concerning the laicized and excommunicated priest or "bishop" Thomas Fouhy will be available online sometime during Holy Week or the Easter Octave on my own blog,

God bless you.

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do any of the Fathers come around Rockford, Il.?

7:08 PM  
Blogger Cecelia said...

This is a most tender and beautiful photograph of our last True Pope. He suffered much from the enemies of God.
As schoolchildren we were made aware of some of his sufferings by our good priests and sisters. We loved him very much and we prayed for him.

9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jo, we don't have a mission there but it might be possible for one of the priests or maybe Bishop Giles to visit? You'd have to contact one of them.

4:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. Sr. Cecelia, that is a beautiful picture of His Holiness. He personally nurtured that little bird back to life, and it hangs in our aviary.

4:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do they come near to Chicago, Millewaukee, or Madison Wi.?

7:10 AM  
Blogger Catherine said...

If I am not mistaken, I believe Fr. Bernard travels to a city near Milwaukee. If I am incorrect, may someone correct me quickly so as to not mislead someone with incorrect info.

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Father Bernard OFM

Our Lady of the Rosary Church
W 4088 Memorial Dr
Fredonia, WI 53021
(262) 692-2913 [phone]

Queen of Angels Mission
Radisson WI

11:31 AM  
Blogger pucherito said...

jo, i'm a parishoner at Our Lady of the Rosary. there is a married couple that comes up from rockford once a month or so. Waubeka is about 35 miles north of Milwaukee. If you are interested in talking to Fr Bernard, i'd suggest trying to reach him at the church thursday thru sunday. he usually is up north at the mission in radisson sunday afternoons til wednesday evenings.

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(By the way the way the picture, not the bird Pope Pius XII took care of hangs in our aviary :)

Jo, as you can see our Order is most welcoming and willing to have you "check us out" and to discover the true Catholic Faith.

God bless you!

6:06 PM  

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