The World Desperately Needs Our Prayers!
When the world was aflame with the Albigensian heresy, the Blessed Virgin Mary armed the humble servant of God St. Dominic with the powerful spiritual weapon known as the Holy Rosary. The devils themselves have been forced to admit how powerful it is, because of the intercession of the glorious Lady to whose honor it is addressed.
Since we find ourselves very often tested as to the true fervor and intensity of our spiritual desires, it will stand useful to us all to take some solid instruction from the life of Our Lord Himself.
With loving hearts we pour out prayers for poor sinners, for family members, and even for our own sinful souls. We forget, however, that all things happen in God's time, and according to His will, as we see in the Gospel of St. John: "No man can come to Me, unless it be given him by My Father." We must constantly rely on His grace, and beg of it earnestly through the intercession of His Holy Mother, who will always answer our prayers if they are sincere and persevering.
Sometimes, we feel almost slighted that our prayers and desires are not accomplished immediately, believing, it seems, that we don't need to patiently endure as Our Lord did, even though He commanded us expressly to follow Him.
Perhaps it has escaped your mind that after Jesus changed water into wine, healed the ruler's son, cured the 38 year infirmity of the man at Bethsaida, fed 5,000 with five loaves, and walked on the stormy sea - STILL His disciples did not believe in Him. "For neither did His brethren believe in Him." John 7,5
Therefore, do not be alarmed when your defense of the faith goes unheeded, or when your attempts to reach a stony heart fail, o we of little faith!
Let the words of the Golden Tongue, St. John Chrysostom, provide some form of consolation, in reminding us that we are entirely dependent upon supernatural grace for every good thing. "Nothing makes one so dizzy as human reasoning, which says everything from an earthly point of view, and does not allow illumination to come from above. Earthly reasoning is covered with mud. Therefore, we have need of streams from above, so that, when the mud has fallen away, whatever part of the reason is pure may be carried on high and may be thoroughly imbued with the lessons taught there. This takes place when we manifest both a well-disposed soul and an upright life." This is taken from this glorious saint's Homily on the Gospel of St. John. Now, if we can only implement this in our own lives; which is entirely possible with the grace of God, for indeed, we can do all things in Him Who strengthens us.
May Our Sorrowful Mother deliver you the copious flow of graces that you need to maintain the battle for heavenly glory. +
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